How to zip a website

When you make a website on your computer, it can take up a lot of space, especially if it has lots of pictures and videos. We will show you how to use a program called zip to make a copy of your website smaller. You can then send it to someone else.

Zip is used to make large files and folders smaller by putting them into a special file called a zip file.
Zip is installed in most computers, but you can download a copy from if you need to.

  1. Go to the folder that contains your website. It will contain folders like images, css and files like index.html
  2. Right-click on the folder and then choose either:
    • (for Windows computers) 'Send To', then click 'Compressed (zipped) folder'
    • 'Winzip', then click 'Add to zipped file' and click 'Add' when the Add box appears

    The folder and its contents will be zipped into a file.
    • The file is usually called after the name of the folder with .zip added at the end.
    • It is usually found in the same place as the folder.

You can find Winzip's own instructions on how to use the program at

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